Public Training Programs
Online METEM training dates will be published soon.

Aluminum Melting and Refining Training
Although aluminum and its alloys are among the youngest metallic materials, due to their unique properties, they have found use in almost every area of the industry today.
Especially in the context of 'sustainability',
the lightness and recyclability of aluminium
and aluminium alloys is the driving force in new alloy and product design.
Melting stage is the most basic stage of aluminium semi-product and final product production process which affecting the liquid metal cost, quality and environmental part. Because of the high interest of aluminium to oxygen, the ‘risk of oxidation’ and ‘recyclability’, the variety of raw materials necessitates the understanding of melting and subsequent refining processes.


Asts. Prof. Ahmet TURAN

Failure Analysis
The aim of this training is to gain knowledge and skills to all managers and engineers who work in manufacturing sector about following steps; the methods and practices for the elimination of damage, to identify the technological error by determining the mechanism that causes the possible damage, to know more closely the behavior properties of the material they use.

prof. Dr. Eyup Sabri KAYALI

prof. Dr. Murat BAYDOGAN

People Management and Leadership in Employee Health and Safety (EHS)
Intended for leadership skills about people management and occupational health and safety; they will gain knowledge and skill about human-work- organization-the relationship of management and leadership
by reviewing, behaviour-oriented leadership and lead the change with
perpective of behaviour analysis

Assoc. Prof. İdil IŞIK

Heat Treatment Training
Determination of selection criteria for steel sellers and users in accordance with the purpose of use of steel materials the importance of the place of all heat treatment applications in the process and configuration of all technical details with examples, to gain the necessary knowledge and experience.

Mehmet ASAY

Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention Training through Real-Life Cases
There is a risk of corrosion in any environment where metal and its alloys, which are the basic engineering material, are used. The purpose of this training is to
provide the relevant people who have not been trained in corrosion before or who have received very limited training to gain the necessary awareness and knowledge
about the basic principles, economic importance and methods of corrosion protection through real examples.

prof. Dr. Ali Fuat CAKIR

prof. Dr. Mustafa URGEN

Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists
It aims to give knowledge and skills about the production, processing and testing of materials by explaining how metallurgy is applied in an industrial context through
scientific foundations to the people who work in the metallurgy and materials sector but are not metallurgists.
Thus, it is aimed to make technical communication more effective in the business environment and to be more
knowledgeable and effective in responding to customer requests.

Asts. Prof. Şeref SÖNMEZ