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Team Development Training in Advanced Fire Response and Fighting

Purpose of Education

It is the training of a team that will respond and fight in fires and emergency situations that may occur in businesses and/or can search and rescue inside buildings.

Image by Jay Heike

Education  target

At the end of this training, all participants;


  • Vehicle (Training of the fire fighting vehicle belonging to the enterprise)

  • Materials and Equipment (Fire hoses, lances, ropes, cutters, separators,...)

  • Team Organization (Crime scene job descriptions, responsibilities, locations and placements)

  • Teamwork (Scenario-non-scenario studies, water and foam studies)

  • They will be able to develop reflexes in response to emergencies by gaining knowledge, skills and experience in crime scene communication information.

Contact for Education Applications

Phone:          +90 216 349 95 91


Who Should Attend

Persons in emergency teams

Training Duration 4  is the day​

Education place

Validebağ Adile Sultan Pavilion Teacher's House

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