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Annealing Furnace Refractor Selection and Application Training with Calderys

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

“Annealing Furnace Refractor Selection and Application Training” training realized on Friday, April 26, 2019 by Metem & Calderys collaboration"

The training program had 19 participants from steel mills throughout Turkey, mainly including rolling mill and refractory application managers from Asil Çelik, Akdemir Çelik, Baştuğ Metalürji, Ekinciler Demir Çelik, Habiş, İçdaş, İzmir Demir Çelik, Kroman Demir Çelik, Kardemir, Olgun Çelik, Yazıcı Demir Çelik and Yeşilyurt Demir Çelik.

Taking place at the Double Tree by Hilton-Moda, our trainers, Bertrand HIOT and Mihai MIRUTA, provided valuable information on refractory materials, application and drying process, furnace repair, planning and maintenance.

During the program, the prominent users in the sector found the opportunity to convey their needs and expectations and receive answers. The 1-day training program enabled information and experience sharing on the prioritization of functional ease, efficiency, safety and environment in production processes. The pleasant and socializing dinner organization in the evening gave us the opportunity to reinforce our professional and personal relations with the participants.

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