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Aluminum Melting and Refining Training

Purpose of Education

Although aluminum and its alloys are among the youngest metallic materials, due to their unique properties, they have found use in almost every area of the industry today.

Especially in the context of 'sustainability', 
the lightness and recyclability  of aluminium
and aluminium alloys is the driving force in new alloy and product design.

Melting stage is the most basic stage of aluminium semi-product and final product production process which affecting the liquid metal cost, quality and environmental part. Because of the high interest of aluminium to oxygen, the ‘risk of oxidation’ and ‘recyclability’, the variety of raw materials necessitates the understanding of melting and subsequent refining processes.

Target of Training 

All participants at the end of this training;

  • Will be able to see the difference between melting thermodynamics and theoretical values and practical values,

  • Will learn the conditions of approaching theoretical values, i.e. efficient melting,

  • Will be able to analyze the relationship between melting and metal quality,

  • Will be able to see the basic logic of the refining process,

  • Will interpret the components of melting and refining process costs,

  • Will be able to see the environmental effects of melting and refining,

  • Will have an idea of how the process chain in their plants affects each other,

  • Will be able to learn about the properties of melting furnaces in the context of the choice of technology suitable for the intended process, which is one of the basic engineering parameters,

  • Will be informed about the benefits of small and operative improvements

  • will understand the vital importance of ‘measurement and reporting’ in aluminium plants.

Training Fee (Per Person)

1.200 ₺ + VAT


Who Should Attend

  • Engineers and technicians working in plants which produce aluminum semi-products and end products,

  • Aluminum product users,

  • Employees in sales companies which supply raw materials, consumables, machinery and equipment and services to aluminum industry,

  • Sales and purchasing personnel working in aluminum plants,

  • Designers who manufacture machinery and equipment for the aluminum industry,

  • Environmental engineers dealing with environmental wastes which consist aluminum plants

Training Period is 2 Days

Training Place

Validebağ Adile Sultan Pavilion Teacher's House



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Erman Car works in Metkim Metal, Machine Chemical Industry and Trade Company, non-ferrous metals department.

He was born in 1970 in Karabük.He graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Department of Metallurgical Engineering. He has worked in various positions from production engineering to project manager in the Teknik Alüminyum, Ecomelt Alüminyum ve Gerikazanım, Fondel Metal ve Detal Alüminyum companies.  He currently provides consultancy and project services to various companies interested in non-ferrous metals. His main interests are the production of primary and secondary aluminium, the production of metallurgical quality alumina from non-bauxite sources, the production and refining of primary magnesium, and the production of primary lead and zinc.

He is a member of TMMOB Chamber of metallurgical and Materials Engineers, TMMOB Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers Training Center, Metal Society (TMS). He has papers published in various journals and presented in Congress - symposiums in his fields of study. He has also served on the organizing committees of important congresses in his field, such as the aluminum symposia and the International Congress of Metallurgy and materials (IMMC). 

Asts. Prof. Ahmet TURAN

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Ahmet Turan, University of Yalova, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering works with the title of Asts. Prof.


He was born in 1982 in Hayrabolu - Tekirdağ. He completed his secondary education at Kepirtepe Anadolu Teacher High School. He received Bachelor's (2006) degrees from Sakarya University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Master's (2009) and PhD (2014) degrees from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.


He worked in the ceramics industry in the UK from 2006-2007. He was a Project Assistant in various projects at ITU, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering between 2007-2010, lecturer at Yalova University, Yalova Vocational School between 2010-2014 and postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering at Heriot-Watt University (Scotland) between 2017-2018. 


His main research interests are extractive metallurgy, synthesis and sintering of advanced ceramics, sustainable metallurgy and carbon capture-evaluation processes.​ Ahmet Turan is a member of TMMOB Chamber of metallurgical and Materials Engineers and Turkish Ceramic Society. Ahmet Turan has works , which published in various journals, published as a book section and presented at congresses. Also he has been taken a part in public and private sector supported projects. He serves on the organizing committees of important congresses in his field such as ISBB2011, SHSXIII and IMMC. 


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