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Energy Efficiency in Aluminum Facilities

Purpose of Education

In today's world, engineers and economists have two main problems on their agenda:

  • Raw material and energy constraints

  • Global climate change


Although the aluminum industry is closely affected by these two problems, unlike other materials, it also has the potential to be part of the solution to these problems.


Planned training;

  • Aluminum-energy relationship

  • Aluminum production methods and energy requirements in this processes


Energy-environment relation in aluminum production processes Energy and Exergy Concepts Energy efficiency in melting, holding, alloying and refining processes

It is aimed to share practical and the oretical information on reducing waste heat generation and evaluation of generated waste heat.


Thus , the concept of energy efficiency is intended for participants look at their
 own operating conditions together with the perspective of a general aluminum-energy relationship.

Targets of Training

All participants at the end of this training;

  • Why aluminum metal is precious metal,

  • Theory of heat treatments with energy and exergy concepts

  • Methods of achieving energy efficiency,

  • Understand the relationship between energy efficiency and process cost as a “whole” and analyze the process.  

Image by Viktor Kiryanov

Who Should Attend

  • Engineers and technicians working in the production and purchasing departments of facilities producing aluminum products and semi-products,

  • Engineers working in designers, manufacturers and marketing departments working in companies that manufacture furnaces and auxiliary equipment for the aluminum industry,

  • Employees of companies that supply raw materials, auxiliary materials and spare parts to the aluminum industry,

  • Engineers working in aluminum plants planning investment.

Training Period is 2 Days

Training Place

Validebağ Adile Sultan Pavilion Teacher's House

Training Fee (Per Person)

1.200 ₺ + VAT


Ekran Resmi 2020-03-06 12.13.00.png


Erman Car works in Metkim Metal, Machine Chemical Industry and Trade Company, non-ferrous metals department.
He was born in 1970 in Karabük.He graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Department of Metallurgical Engineering. He has worked in various positions from production engineering to project manager in the Teknik Alüminyum, Ecomelt Alüminyum ve Gerikazanım, Fondel Metal ve Detal Alüminyum companies.  He currently provides consultancy and project services to various companies interested in non-ferrous metals. His main interests are the production of primary and secondary aluminium, the production of metallurgical quality alumina from non-bauxite sources, the production and refining of primary magnesium, and the production of primary lead and zinc.

He is a member of TMMOB Chamber of metallurgical and Materials Engineers, TMMOB Chamber of metallurgical and Materials Engineers Training Center, Metal Society (TMS). He has papers published in various journals and presented in Congress - symposiums in his fields of study. He has also served on the organizing committees of important congresses in his field, such as the aluminum symposia and the International Congress of Metallurgy and materials (IMMC). 

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