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People Management and Leadership in Employee Health and Safety (EHS)

Purpose of Education

Intended for leadership skills about people management and occupational health and safety; they will gain knowledge and skill about human-work- organization-the relationship of management and leadership by reviewing, behaviour-oriented leadership and lead the change with 
perspective of behaviour analysis 

Image by Science in HD

Target of Training

All participants at the end of this training;

  • The place of “ belief in competence" within the organizational system

  • General competencies of human and belief in general competencies

  • Belief in Competence oriented Leadership

  • Strengthening 'belief in competence in other individuals by leaders 

  • Identification of employee behaviors

  • Dynamics of human behavior: triggers, reinforcements, deterrents

  • Behaviors that determine or damage effectiveness in corporate processes

  • Modification of behaviors: manipulation in Triggers and deterrents

  • Inclusion of employees in the behavior modification process

  • Behavior-Oriented Leadership

  • Change: control of emotions, behavior and thoughts

  • Relationship between change and motivation

  • They will be developed their knowledge and skills on issues such as change, ignoring, turning a blind eye, toleration, procrastination behaviour and agility.

Who Should Attend

Top Executive and Mid Level Manager

Training Period is 2 Days

Training Place

ValidebaÄŸ Adile Sultan Pavilion Teacher's House

Training Fee (Per Person)

1.200 ₺ + VAT


Doç Dr İdil Işık

Assoc. Prof. İdil Işık

Assoc .Prof. Ä°dil IÅžIK is a faculty member and director of the master's program in Organizational Psychology at Ä°stanbul Bilgi University. Her academic expertise is in the field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, occupational safety and health in industry and traffic environment, quantitative, qualitative and mixed research techniques. This focus of expertise and attention is directed towards natural, technical or psycho-social risks that can affect the flow of work in organizational processes, leave traces on the scale of individuals, groups or organizations. In the last five years of her career, she focuses on the concept of “trauma in organizations” by diversifying her activities such as managing risks in Human Resource Management, anti-productivity behaviors in organizations, discrimination against LGBTI, minorities and disabled people, and workplace bullying. She is examining the building blocks of achieving recovery after the experience of trauma and transforming those experiences into gains throughout the organization.  She completed her bachelor's degree in psychology at BoÄŸaziçi University and her master's degree and PhD degree in Organizational Behavior at Marmara University. She has worked as a consultant, instructor and content developer in consultancy, training and social responsibility projects for more than 20 years for academic and professional audiences. As an industrial and organizational psychologist, she is one of the leading figures in Turkey in the effort to adapt the science of psychology to occupational safety and health. Due to her interest in untouched subjects and her desire to prepare her students for new fields of psychology, she describes herself as an “entrepreneurial scholar”.  She cares systems theory and behavior-oriented approach, decision-making based on qualitative and quantitative data. She is currently the vice president of the Turkish Society of psychologists head office for the period 2016-2018.


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